Recreational Diving
On this page you will find a list of all the courses, in English, corresponding to the area of recreational diving. Each block that you see below contains a short description of the course and by clicking on the image or the title, you will access the whole theory part. To access it you need to have a username and password which your instructor must have provided you.
Access to each diving course is limited to students who have contracted with us, through an ACUC Instructor. When you click on the corresponding course, if you have opted for the elearning version, an access page appears in which you have to enter your username and password. Once introduced and validated, it will allow you access to the entire theory part.
It is not a diving course in which a certification is obtained, it is a simple introduction to diving in which one single dive is done, either in confined water (initiation) or in open water (introduction), under full control of a professional, so that scuba diving and the sensation of breathing underwater can be experienced. In some places it is also known as a diving baptism.
We offer very basic theory information, but after the only dive of the course, participants cannot do anymore dives, unless another course is done again.

Scuba Diver
This optional course is designed for those who wish to dive to relatively shallow depths and always under direct supervision of an ACUC Divemaster or higher level, or similar level from other ACUC recognized organisations.
It is recommended for young people (minimum age is 12 years old) or for older people (no maximum age).
This course is designed for those that wish to obtain the knowledge to safely dive without supervision and up to the maximun depth allowed for recreational divers. The minimun age is 12 years old and there is no maximun age.
Being certificated as an “ACUC Open Water Diver” also allows you to take more advanced and specialty courses and it does no have the limitations of the “ACUC Scuba Diver” certification.
In this course you will expand on the theory that you learnt in the OWD course. You will also be introduced to some specialty diving, so that you can later decide which specialties you like most and which specialty courses you might wish to take. Minimum age is 12 years old.
You will learn more about matters such as: Equipment Maintenance; Reduced Visibility Diving; Confined Space Diving; Underwater Navigation; Deep Diving and other notions as well.
Rescue Diver
This course is the minimum level to which ACUC recommends all divers should be trained to. The course will train you to recognise diving problems and emergencies before they occur, and if they occur anyway, then you will learn also how to handle these problems and emergencies.
ACUC highly recommends that candidates to this course also take the specialties of First Aid Provider and Emergency Oxygen Provider. Minimum age is 16 years old.
As a Rescue Diver, you may enter the ACUC Professional levels if you wish, or continue on to obtain the “Master Plus Diver” or the “Specialties Plus Diver” rating.

No course certifications
The following certifications are not linked with any course. These are prestigious certifications obtained, if requested, by those people who have completed the training up to the highest level of recreational diving, and have also done specialty courses to expand their training.

Master Diver
You can apply for the Master Diver card when you have completed your training up to the level of Rescue Diver, having also made 3 specialties of your choice.

Master Plus Diver
The Master Plus Diver card is for those people who have 5 specialties, two of them which must be First Aid and Emergency Oxygenation. These are 2 safety related specialties highly recommended by ACUC.

Specialty Plus Diver
This certification card is for those Master Divers that have also completed an additional 3 or more specialty courses. This prestige card credits the holder as someone trained in many different types of diving.